The strategy is crystallized to the following vision: "Innovative and responsible Nordic food production enables a competitive food industry and consumer well-being, both in Finland and globally.
The strategy identifies four evolutionary forces in the food business environment:
- pressures caused by global warming and related environmental changes;
- increased environmental awareness among consumers;
- opportunities brought about by digitalisation to develop value networks in the food sector, production technologies and consumer-driven food services;
- development of new production technologies.
The objectives of the strategy are:
- Raise the Nordic dimension by means of research into the competitive edge of the Finnish food industry while strengthening national food
safety and self-sufficiency. - Promote intelligent and sustainable use of resources in the food supply chain.
- Maintain and further develop food safety and contribute to the transparency and traceability of food supply chains.
- Bring added value through research to the development of food innovations that support consumers’ well-being.
- Maintaining and developing a high level of expertise in R&D within the Finnish food industry: supporting research and product development
cooperation through the entire food supply chain, increasing the interaction between research areas, and developing high-quality food research environments.